(a) book on art

(a) book on art
a book on art (on modern music, on history) книга по искусству (по современной музыке, по истории)

Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. . 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "(a) book on art" в других словарях:

  • Comic book original art — refers to the original production pieces used to make comic books. Most typically, these are 11x17 bristol boards with the pencils and inking done by the comic book artist or artists, but there is a wide variation in the type of material. Comic… …   Wikipedia

  • Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium v. Canada (Minister of Justice) — SCCInfoBox case name=Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium v. Canada (Minister of Justice) full case name=Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium, B.C. Civil Liberties Association,James Eaton Deva and Guy Allen Bruce Smythe v. The Minister of Justice …   Wikipedia

  • Little Sister's Book and Art Emporium — Entrada principal de la tienda. Little Sister s Book and Art Emporium, también conocida como Little Sister s Bookstore, pero habitualmente llamada «Little Sister s», es una librería independiente en Davie Village / West End de Vancouver, en la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Little Sister's Book and Art Emporium — 49° 16′ 56″ N 123° 08′ 03″ W / 49.282336, 123.134251 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hyman's Book and Art Shoppe — Hyman s Book and Art Shoppe, 1926 1971, was widely known in the Jewish community as Hyman s Bookstore. It was an important part of the early history of Spadina Avenue in Toronto, as well as the early Jewish community of Toronto. The store was… …   Wikipedia

  • Little Sister's Book and Art Emporium — Little Sister s Book and Art Emporium, also known as Little Sister s Bookstore, but usually called Little Sister s, is an independent bookstore in the Davie Village / West End of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, a predominantly gay community …   Wikipedia

  • Art Smith (pilot) — Art Smith was an American pilot. He grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana; in 1910, his parents mortgaged their home for $1,800 so that he could build a plane, on which he spent six months; however, he crashed it on his first flight, destroying… …   Wikipedia

  • Art pinajian — (1914 1999)was an American Artist and comic book creator. Art Pinajian worked as a comic book artist from the late 1930s throughout the 1950s. He was a member of the Eisner Iger Studio in 1938 39 and of Funnies Inc in 1939 42. He worked on many… …   Wikipedia

  • Art, Truth & Politics — is the controversial Nobel Lecture delivered on video by the 2005 Nobel Laureate in Literature Harold Pinter to an audience projected on three large screens at the Swedish Academy in Stockholm and simultaneously transmitted on Channel Four in the …   Wikipedia

  • Art in Roman Catholicism — Roman Catholic art consists of all visual works produced in an attempt to illustrate, supplement and portray in tangible form the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. This includes sculpture, painting, mosaics, metalwork, embroidery and even… …   Wikipedia

  • ART HISTORIANS AND ART CRITICS — The discipline of art history first made its appearance in Germany, in the middle of the 18th century, but it was more than a hundred years before the lowering of the barriers that had excluded Jews from academic careers enabled them to enter… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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